Number of Books Read: 28
Number of RABCKs & Trades received (Thanks to all you generous BookCrossers!): 9
Number of Bookrings & Rays Participated in: 2
Number of Bookrings & Rays Started: 0
Number of Books Released Into the Wild: 0
Number of Books Caught in the Wild: 0
Earliest Written: Troilus and Cressida by Shakespeare (c. 1602)
Most Recently Published: The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins (September, 2009)
First Book Finished in 2009: Vaudeville! by Gaétan Soucy
Last Book Finished in 2009: The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler
Virtually travelled to:
Countries: 9 real, 2 fictional (plus a few asteroids)
Provinces/Territories in Canada: 6
Centuries: 5 (from the 13th century BCE to the 21st century)
Canadian Challenge Books of 2009:
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by Mordecai Richler
Life in the Clearings versus the Bush by Susanna Moodie
Top Books of 2009:
The Fat Woman Next Door is Pregnant by Michel Tremblay
Fifteen Days by Christie Blatchford (hate her politics, but gotta give her kudos for this one)
Your Inner Fish by Neil Shubin
Through Black Spruce by Joseph Boyden
Erewhon by Samuel Butler
Troilus and Cressida by William Shakespeare
The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins
Clara Vaughan by R. D. Blackmore
On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler
Other Books I Enjoyed in 2009:
Vaudeville! by Gaétan Soucy
The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill
Mercy Among the Children by David Adams Richards
Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn
Past Caring by Robert Goddard
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by Mordecai Richler
The Leopard by Giuseppe Di Lampedusa
Life in the Clearings versus the Bush by Susanna Moodie
Reason and Revelation in the Middle Ages by Etienne Gilson
Only A Theory by Kenneth R. Miller
Worst Books of 2009:
(neither were actually bad per se, only I had high expectations and was disappointed because I didn’t thoroughly enjoy them)
The Outlander by Gil Adamson
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Complete List of Books Read in 2009:
- Vaudeville! by Gaétan Soucy
- The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill
- The Outlander by Gil Adamson
- The Fat Woman Next Door is Pregnant by Michel Tremblay
- Fruit by Brian Francis
- Fifteen Days by Christie Blatchford
- “M” is for Malice by Sue Grafton
- Mercy Among the Children by David Adams Richards
- “N” is for Noose by Sue Grafton
- Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn
- Your Inner Fish by Neil Shubin
- Through Black Spruce by Joseph Boyden
- Past Caring by Robert Goddard
- The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane
- Anne of Avonlea by L. M. Montgomery
- The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by Mordecai Richler
- The Leopard by Giuseppe Di Lampedusa
- Erewhon by Samuel Butler
- The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
- Troilus and Cressida by William Shakespeare
- Reason and Revelation in the Middle Ages by Etienne Gilson
- Life in the Clearings versus the Bush by Susanna Moodie
- Only A Theory by Kenneth R. Miller
- The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins
- Selected Stories from the Canadian Magazine
- Clara Vaughan by R. D. Blackmore
- On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
- The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler